The 5th Neutron and Muon School KEK-IINAS School
The 5th Neutron and Muon School

Course Descriptions

Inelastic Neutron Scattering



Inelastic neutron scattering

Inelastic neutron scattering is a powerful method to observe elementary excitations such as magnons and phonons and to investigate dynamics in condensed matter in the momentum and energy space.

In this course, participants will learn how to start experiments and analyze data, using data of magnetic excitations from a single crystal sample of an antiferromagnet.


In-situ Pressure Neutron Diffraction

The structure and physical properties of matter are affected by external fields such as temperature, pressure, and magnetic fields. Pressure is one of those fields that can change to the greatest extent. By investigating materials under pressure, the relationship between atomic arrangement and physical properties can be clarified, which helps us to understand the origin of physical properties.

In this course, participants will learn methods to generate pressure and determine crystal structures through analyses of the powder diffraction data of a high-pressure polymorph, ice VII.


Single Crystal Neutron Diffraction

Physical properties and functionalities of materials are intrinsically linked to the arrangement of atoms inside the materials. Diffraction methods are frequently used to determine the atomic-scale structure of crystalline materials, and neutron single crystal diffraction is particularly well-suited to the study of materials where the functionality depends on the position of light elements and/or the arrangement of magnetic moments.

In this course, basic lectures about neutron single crystal structure analyses using BL18 (SENJU) will be given followed by actual data reduction and data analysis training.


Local Structure Analysis of Disordered Materials by High Intensity Total Diffractometer NOVA

Neutron total scattering is a powerful tool for the structure analysis of disordered materials including amorphous and liquid.

The technique obtains a pair correlation function by Fourier transformation of the measured scattering cross-section from which it is possible to discuss real space disordered atomic arrangement or (magnetic) local lattice distortion in the material.

A neutron total scattering instrument (NOVA) realizes measurements of a high resolution pair correlation function. In this course, participants will learn how to obtain a static structure factor and a pair correlation function of various disordered materials.


Positive muon spin relaxation (μSR)

Positive muon in a material stops at an interstitial site, observes magnetic fields of the environment and exhibits Larmor spin precession. By measuring the decay positrons emitted from muons, time dependent behavior of the muon spin in a material is known. This is the spectroscopy called (positive) muon spin relaxation (μSR). This technique yields the information of the magnetic property of a material, including magnetism and superconductivity and the hydrogen state in a material with the muon being a light hydrogen isotope.

In contrast to neutron, muon is a local magnetic probe in real space with a unique time scale, being a powerful probe of spin relaxation phenomena.

In this course, students will perform simulated μSR measurement at the S1-ARTEMIS spectrometer and will receive instruction of data analysis. Introductory lectures on μSR and other muon measurements will also be given as a part of the school.