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Become a User

To conduct your research at MLF, please submit the research proposal during the Call for proposal round. When your proposal is approved you'll receive Approval Notice. Then you will need to complete the following administration procedures.

Research Proposal Submission

Proposal Review

Proposal Approval and Administration Procedures


Post Experiment

1. Proposal Application and Review

The Principal Investigator (PI) can submit proposals using the web-based Proposal Submission System. User registration must be completed prior to the submission.

General use beamtime is widely available to Japanese and overseas users for short-and long-term proposals. A Principal Investigator (PI) must be an employee of or affiliated with a legal organization or entity that may be any of the following: A public or private college, university or other institution of higher education

  • A public or not-for-profit research organization
  • A private company
  • A postdoctoral researcher can also submit proposals as a PI with the permission of his/her senior. Limited to short-term proposals, a graduate student (master's and doctor's course) can be the PI with the permission of his/her academic supervisor. Undergraduate students or persons without affiliation cannot be the PI.

Submitted proposals are reviewed and evaluated on scientific and industrial value by the Neutron Science/Muon Science Proposal Review Committee.
Only the proposals that are recognized to be of high value get approval.


Contact (J-PARC Users Office)
General use (non-proprietary use)

Proposal Submission

We have two calls for proposal per year, generally in May and November.

Proposal submissions via the Proposal Submission System

Please submit your application, taking into consideration the experimental precautions.

Experiment rules

Important information for submission

Please also read the following notes on submitting your proposal.

Contact (J-PARC Users Office)
Proposal Application

Proposal Review

  • The review results will be emailed to the applicants.

2. Post Approval

After receiving an approval notice, please continue to follow the necessary procedures through the User Support System. User registration must be completed prior to submissions. The User Support System procedures need to be followed by the PI and all experiment team members.

  • Procedures to conduct your research at MLF
  • Procedures to use the User Experiment Preparation Lab and other facilities

Procedures Prior to Visiting MLF

Submit the required documents two weeks prior to your visit.

Refer to Before You Arrive for details.

  • Beamtime scheduling with your instrument scientist
  • Procedures for experimental equipment safety

For safety procedures regarding the bringing in of samples and equipment, please refer to MLF Safety Procedures.

Procedures Upon Arrival

  • Check-in procedures and safety training at the Users Office
Office hours 9:00am - 12:00pm, 13:00pm - 5:00pm weekdays
Contact to Phone: +81-29-284-3398
Check-in procedure for after office hours and on weekends and holidays

Please contact the Users Office in advance.


3. Procedures Following Experiment

Return your user ID card, OSL glass badge and any borrowed items to the Users Office before you leave J-PARC. Any equipment that you brought on the experiment should be removed from MLF within six months of your experiment's completion.

Departure Procedures

Submit Beamtime Utilization Report

Submit Experimental Report

The deadline of submission is here.

Publications Entry

  • Publish your research results to a journal, thesis, or conference presentation
  • Stipulate the MLF instruments you performed the experiments with in a credit line in your publication
  • Register publications to the J-PARC Publication Database System

Next: How to Submit a Research Proposal