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How to Submit a Research Proposal

To conduct the research at MLF, you will need to submit the research proposal during the Call for proposal round. When the proposal is approved, you'll receive an approval notice. Then you will need to complete the following administration procedures.

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Information for proposal application

Please submit your application, taking into consideration the experimental precautions.

Notes for Experiment

Important information for submission

Please also read the following notes on submitting your proposal.

Submissions and Reviews of Research Proposals

Research proposals should be submitted through the J-PARC Proposal Submission System by the principal investigator (PI). The PI needs to establish an account.

Submitted proposals are reviewed and evaluated on scientific and industrial value and usability by the Neutron Science/Muon Science Proposal Review Committee. Only the proposals which are recognized to be of high value get approval.

Following Notification of the Proposal Review Results

If your proposals are approved, complete the following administration procedures before visiting MLF.