Scan Trajectory Plotter for BL01, BL14 (v0.6)

Utsusemi Web Tools produced by Y Inamura


BL: with Mask :

XtalParam file :
Export: Download
must be choosen before you plot the scan trajectory.

XtalParam file
is the parameter file used in the data visualization software (VisualCont, D4Mat2Slicer etc) for the inelastic single crystal measurement on the Utsusemi environment.
You can upload your XtalParam file to import the parameters to this page,
and also export parameters in this page to download as a XtalParam file by clicking on the Make button and the Download link.

Sample Information

Lattice Constants :
a: b: c: [Å]
α: β: γ: [°]

Orientation :
h k l
U vector:
V vector:

Rotation :
1st [°]:
2nd [°]:
3rd [°]:
Sample orientation definitions
Check the given orientation (Trial version)

Experiment Information

Energy :
Ei : [meV]
ℏω width: [meV]
ℏω range: - [meV]

Rotation (ω):
ω from : to : step : [°]
ω definision
ω definision


Projection :
a* b* c* Label Unit
Ax1: :
Ax2: :
Ax3: :

Slice :
Axis Range Type Step
Ax1: -
Ax2: -
Ax3: -
Energy: -
