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Utsusemi Portal Site

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Infomation about Utsusemi Installation and download of required files is contained on the Installation Portal Site below.

In this site, you can find installer files (the binary installer for Windows and macOS, the debian package for Ubuntu Linux) and the installation manuals.


Change History

Users Manual

Under constructions .


Utsusemi is open source and is free to be distributed.

Contact person

Dr. Yasuhiro Inamura (J-PARC center, Japan Atomic Agency, JAPAN)

Please send the bug report if you meet.

  • installation fails, errors happen, something wrong on GUI, ...
  • If you have questions about data reduction or analysis of your data, please contact to the instrument staffs at first.

About Utsusemi

Utsusemi is the software series used to analyze and visualize the neutron scattering data observed at MLF [1]. Utsusemi software is written in C++, based on the Manyo Library framework [2] and Python(Python3) to achieve flexible and high quality data analysis and to provide easy-to-use environment for MLF users.

Utsusemi has been already introduced in a lot of beamlines at MLF to become one of the frameworks for data reduction and analysis.

What Utsusemi can do

MLF adopted an event recording method for the DAQ system that records events including the time of flight and the position of the neutron detection. The most important function of Utsusemi is conversion from event-recording data produced from the MLF DAQ system to histogram data for easy understanding and visualization of the measurement results. This conversion function is very flexible. Using the information of event data like TOF, position of neutron detections, and absolute time, users can make histogram data from any TOF range and time region from measurement data. This enables users to easily measure the time-transient phenomena of the sample.

Users can select time widths of time-slicing after the measurement, since event data is adopted. In addition, we successfully developed a DAQ electric module, TrigNET, which records common electric signals as events. By analyzing TrigNET events connected with instruments and SE equipment, neutron events can be filtered for each condition.

The Utsusemi event conversion supports most types of detectors utilized at MLF-for example, 3He gas position sensitive detector, 1D- and 2D scintillation counters, and so on.

Many Beam Lines introduce Utsusemi

BeamLine Name Code Activity
BL01 4SEASONS SIK Utsusemi
BL02 DNA DNA Utsusemi+Additional codes for DNA
BL11 PLANET HPN Utsusemi+Additional codes for HPN
BL14 Amateras AMR Utsusemi
BL15 Taikan SAS Utsusemi+Additional codes for SAS
BL17 Sharaku NVR Utsusemi
BL19 Takumi ENG Utsusemi+Additional codes for ENG
BL21 NOVA NVA Utsusemi ( partially )


Utsusemi software is written in C++, based on the Manyo Library framework [2] and Python (Python3). All main functions are included in C++ codes for the processing speed and can be used from the Python interface. Utsusemi also has the GUI written in Python code and uses its libraries. Because the user interface of Utsusemi is unified in Python, it is easy for users to make new functions or analysis procedures tailored to users' specific needs with Utsusemi commands.

The development of Utsusemi started from the software development for the chopper-type neutron inelastic measurement, which includes the device control system, data analysis, and visualization. These development products were utilized in actual user measurements at the chopper spectrometers at MLF, while we were proceeding with development of effective analysis for event recording data. In particular, we successfully contributed to the realization of the Multi-Ei method for inelastic scattering for the first time in the world [3]. As the other beamlines also required event-recording analysis, we made the data reduction and visualization parts in Utsusemi independent of the original to give it greater transferability as universal analysis software at MLF. We also produced additional packages based on Ustsusemi for each beamline. As a result, Utsusemi is introduced in a lot of beamlines at MLF to become one of the frameworks for data reduction and analysis.

Topics recent developments

Live Data Reduction

To achieve a real-time data analysis in MLF, we MLF computational group took notice of an asynchronous communications protocol with the message-queue technology. We started developments of new DAQ middleware components connected with the message-queue servers "Redis" to distribute and to treat event data easily on a publish-subscribe model. Already a first stage of this development has been completed and we demonstrated it successfully in actual beam line. Of cause, we also attempt to import this result into the Utsusemi's data reduction part.

Origin of the name Utsusemi

UTility Software for USer analysis Environment of MLF Instruments

Utsusemi has multiple meanings in Japanese - The cicada skin shell ( empty ) - The name of a chapter or a lady appeared in the one of oldest Japanese stories "The tale of Genji"


  1. Development status of software ‘Utsusemi’ for Chopper Spectrometers at MLF, J-PARC.
    Y. Inamura, T. Nakatani, J. Suzuki, T. Otomo, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 2013, 82, SA031-1 - SA031-9

  2. Object-oriented data analysis framework for neutron scattering experiments J. Suzuki, T. Nakatani, T. Ohhara, Y. Inamura, M. Yonemura, T. Morishima, T. Aoyagi, A. Manabe, T. Otomo, Nuclear Inst. and Meth. Phys. Res. 2009, 600, 123, .

  3. First Demonstration of Novel Method for Inelastic Neutron Scattering Measurement Utilizing Multiple Incident Energies Nakamura, M.; Kajimoto, R.; Inamura, Y.; Mizuno, F.; Fujita, M. . J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 2009, 78, 093002-1 - 093002-4