Fast Track Proposal
Aplication is available at any time
J-PARC MLF offers a mail-in program called Fast Track Proposal for non-proprietary uses (free of charge). The users send their samples to MLF, and MLF staff carry out experiments on the user’s behalf and send the data back to the users. The Fast Track Proposals are available for the following equipment. (RADEN is for domestic users only). The application will be reviewed for technical feasibility and safety before the proposal is accepted.
In each instrument, peer-reviewed proposals will take precedence over the Fast Track Proposal; the Fast Track Proposal cannot be guaranteed to be carried out at the particular time. The sample will not be sent back: disposal or temporal storage & take-home when the user visits MLF. An experimental report must be submitted to the Users Office within 60 days after the experiment is accomplished or by the next application for Fast Track Proposal, whichever comes first.
How to submit
Users may download the application form, fill the form, and submit to at any time. The application will be reviewed for technical feasibility and safety before the proposal is accepted.
Download Application Form ver.11 [MSword 25KB]
Common issues
A feasibility study before a full proposal, urgent PhD work to complete the thesis, an additional experiment to complete the user’s proposed experiment, etc.
Two days/cycle in all Fast Track Proposals.
Instruments available for Fast Track Proposal
Experiment conditions | 5 - 300 K, within 24 hours/proposal |
Sample | Powder or polycrystalline samples, within 3 samples |
Sample environment | Top-loading type GM Refrigerator |
Sample shipment | Contact the instrumental scientists before sending the sample(s) to the Users Office. Respective samples should be sealed in a sample holder and sent to Uses Office. |
BL08 SuperHRPD | |
Experiment conditions | Room temperature, 10 - 300 K, within 24 hours |
Number of temperature points | Consult with instrumental scientists |
Sample shipment | Send samples (powder form in general) to the Users Office before one week of the Fast Track experiment |
Experiment conditions | High pressures up to 7 GPa and RT, within 48 hours |
Number of pressure points | Consult with instrumental scientists |
Sample shipment | Send powder samples of more than 200mm3 to the Users Office before one week of the Fast Track experiment |
BL16 SOFIA *Currently, the application is not accepted. |
Experimental conditions | Room temperature, atmosphere, within 24 h, less than 16 samples |
Sample | Solid thin films prepared on circular substrates with a diameter of 50-50.8 mm and a thickness of 1-3 mm made of silicon or quartz |
Sample shipment | Send samples to the Users Office before one week of the Fast Track experiment |
BL18 SENJU | |
Measurement conditions | Room temperature only |
Experiment Time | Beam time per experiment is limited to one day (24h) |
Sample shipment | Contact the instrumental scientist before sending the sample to the uses office |
Other conditions | Automatic measurements only |
BL21 NOVA | |
Experiment conditions | 20K - 700 K, within 24 hours (Max no. of sample is 8) |
Sample Shipment | Request sample holders to the Users Office ( Install samples (powder form in general) into the holders, seal them, and return to the Users Office: |
BL22 RADEN | |
FTP application and sample shipment are accepted only from domestic users. Discussion with beamline scientists is required before proposal submission |
Important Notice for sending your samples from outside Japan
There are regulations covering international shipping of chemicals. All required steps (e.g. paperwork, safety data sheet (SDS), customs procedures, etc.) for the entry of your samples to Japan have to be completed at your own responsibility and expense. MLF cannot assist you with this.
Since it may require a customs clearance procedure, it is recommended that you consult the delivery company.
Sample Shipping Address
J-PARC Center Users Office
Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center 162-1 Shirakata Tokai-mura Naka-gun, Ibaraki, Japan 319-1106
Tel/Fax +81-(0)29-284-3398/+81-(0)29-284-3286