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Useful Information

Building names are indicated by "Building number:Grid number".


Hours of Operation
12:00 noon - 1:00pm Weekdays
  • 1F: Lunch of the day, healthy lunch, side menu (salad)
  • 2F: Noodles (wheat noodles, buckwheat noodles, ramen), variety (curry and rice, rice bowl dishes), a-la-carte (salad, rice balls)
How to Pay
  • Cash: The lunch ticket machine is located on the second floor of cafeteria.
  • Deposit card: Deposit cards are available at the Users Office.(for long term stayers)

Cafeteria Office(171a:B6)

You will need to place returnable deposit on your card at the Cafeteria Office, which can be refunded before you return it to the Users Office.

South side of the Yamasaki shop(PDF map)
029-306-0607 (Ext.:9502)
Hours of Operation
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 12:00 noon - 1:00pm
Deposit card

Only available for long term stayers, please inquire at the Users Office.

How to Make a Deposit
Please visit the Cafeteria Office with a deposit card. Cash deposits between 1,000 JPY and 10,000 JPY are accepted. Credit cards are not accepted.
How to Obtain a Refund
Please visit the Cafeteria Office with your deposit card for refund. The deposit card is a non-contact IC card.

Restaurants around J-PARC

Restaurants within walking distance (within 2km of JAEA main gate) in Handy Map(by Users Office)

Shops and ATM

Shops and ATM in J-PARC

IQBRC 2nd Floor301:A7Weekdays 8:00am-5:30pm
Yamazaki shop171a:B6Weekdays 8:00am-6:00pm
J-Lounge (rest house)254:I3Weekdays 11:30am-1:30pm
Located across the road from MLF parking.
Boxed lunches, instant noodles, drinks, vending machines
An ATM for Joyo Bank171a:B6Weekdays 9:00am-5:00am
Next to the Yamazaki shop


Shopping map near JAEA main gate and Tokai Station in Handy Map.

Post Office (Gen-Ken-Mae Yu-Bin-kyoku)

ATM Service Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00am-5:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am-12:30pm


ATM Service Hours
Open 24 hours a day



Tokai Village Hospital [details (Japanese text only)]
TEL029-282-2188 / FAX:029-306-2811
Address2081-2 Muramatsu, Tokai Village, 319-1112

Please use an Internet search engine to find hospitals available during evening hours and ones that have English translation services available.

Health Consultations and Clinics

Please contact the Users Office before visiting

In case of using, please contact the Users Office.

KEK Administrative Division, 4th floor, J-PARC Research Building(258:J3)

Hours of Operation
Weekdays 9:00am - 5:00pm (closed Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays)
  • Supply medicines (commercial drugs only)

JAEA Health Care is available in the event of an emergency. (JOHO KORYU Bldg. North Wing 3F, extension 6180)

Medial Care Office, KEK Tokai Building #1 (302:A7)

Hours of Operation
Thursday 9:00am - 5:00am (closed Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays)
  • First aid (We do not provide treatment)
  • Provide public hospital information



Shipping to J-PARC
Please have letters/parcels addressed to you mailed to the Users Office. The Users Office will contact you by email upon receiving your mail. Please visit the Users Office during office hours to collect your packages.
Outbound Shipping
Bring stamped letters to the Users Office. Only regular postage letter are accepted. Express mail or registered mail items cannot be mailed from here. Packages must be well wrapped, and include the shipping fees.

The Users Office does not sell stamps. Please purchase your stamps directly from the post office in from of the JAEA main gate.

Shipping labels for domestic mail parcel service and express mail service for overseas are available for free at the Users Office.

Post Office (Gen-Ken-Mae Yu-Bin-kyoku)

Hours of Operation
Weekday 9:00am-5:00pm


Should you require childcare services such as babysitter or a nurse during your experiment time at J-PARC, please contact the Users Office ahead of your visit.