Top ยป Borrowing Items

Borrowing Items

PHS (personal handy-phone system for internal calls at J-PARC) and bicycles are available for rent during your visit to MLF.

Renting Items

How to rent

Please inquire at the Users Office. Advanced reservations are not accepted. Please note that we may not be able to meet your requests due to limited availability.

Rental Period

You may rent items for a maximum of two months.

Return and Extension Request

  • Please return all the rental items to the Users Office by the date of return.
  • If you wish to extend the rental period for any items for more than two months, please contact the Users Office for an extension request prior to the due date.
  • The Users Office reminds you that if you keep any items to be returned beyond the period of return without any extension requests.
During the Users Office Hours (9:00am-5:00pm weekdays)
Return to the Users Office
After office hours (5:00pm-9:00am weekdays, weekends and national holidays)
Return to the return box (picture on the right)

Rental Items

  • Place to rent -- J-PARC Users Office
  • Accessible area -- Inside the J-PARC building and surrounding areas (service area for mobile phone)
    • Extension calls -- Possible to dial and receive calls
    • External calls -- Incoming calls only. Outgoing external calls cannot be connected.
  • Extension calls refers to an internal call from within the JAEA and J-PARC center.
  • Outgoing calls to extensions on the KEK Tsukuba campus cannot be connected. PHS cannot be used on the KEK Tsukuba campus.
  • Please return the PHS in a bag with the battery charger and the power cord.
  • Place to rent -- J-PARC Users Office
  • Collect the key for the bicycle lock at bicycle parking area.
  • Please return a bicycle at the parking space and locked. Please return the bicycle to the parking space and lock it. Please return the key to the Users Office.