Radiation safety
There are precautions associated with the radio-activation of samples exposed to beams during experiments at MLF. Please be well aware of them when conducting experiments.
Restriction on bringing in into MLF
Bringing in radioactive and exposed samples / equipment
Any material defined as radioactive isotopes by Japanese law require federal approval prior to come to MLF, otherwise bringing in RIs into MLF is prohibited.
Coordination with MLF one year prior to scheduled experiments is required for bringing in RIs for experimental use. Please discuss this with the staff beforehand.
Samples and equipment that have been exposed in other facilities may be brought in if that facility has recognized it is not radioactive (for general items). In other words, bringing in samples and equipment may be limited (in some cases prohibited) if they are confirmed to be radioactive (items that have been radio-activated, or radioactive substances) at another facility. Please discuss this with the staff beforehand.
Bringing in nuclear fuel material samples, etc.
Samples classified as nuclear fuel materials have not been approved by the federal government, and as such their import into MLF is prohibited.
Taking out samples and equipment used during experiments
Surveys conducted by the radiation management section must confirm that the samples and equipment exposed to the neutron beam are not radioactive (i.e., at background levels) before they are allowed to be removed from MLF (i.e., outside the controlled area).
Opening of liquid / powder sample cells and handling of samples
As a general rule, the opening of liquid and powder sample cells must be conducted in Experimental preparation laboratory 3, in order to prevent scattering. Please discuss with the technician for details.
Note that the liquid and powder samples used in experiments are subject to handling limits, such as safety measures taken to prevent scattering and leakage, so please discuss with the staff on this issue.